Sunday, April 26, 2020

My Atkai free essay sample

A wise man once said, â€Å"In order to know yourself, you have to know those who came before you.† That man didn’t just say those words; he lives by them, and I know this because that wise man is my grandfather. In 1996, he immigrated to the United States with the sole purpose of caring for me and my sister. The decision to leave behind 65 years of family history and relationships was understandably difficult, and my grandfather was forced to fit his entire life into two suitcases. The first one he filled with clothes and books; the second with hundreds of photographs faded memories of long-lost relatives gazing at us sadly. As I thumbed through the prints with my grandfather, I saw his face light up with a yearning to return to those happy times. In Russia, the affectionate word for grandfather is atkai. It’s a word that conveys boundless respect and adulation. We will write a custom essay sample on My Atkai or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When I was growing up, he was both my teacher and my playmate, my mentor and my friend. In the Soviet Union, he had published over 50 articles and held a PhD in microbiology as a respected veterinarian for 40 years. In the United States, he was reduced to bagging groceries for minimum wage so my grandma could get health benefits. Even so, he would devote every free moment to studying English with me, determined to keep me from falling victim to the crippling restrictions of a language barrier. As I grew older, our English lessons became more one-sided, and by high school I was helping him understand some of the bigger words in The New York Times (he considered himself too worldly for our local Chicago Tribune). All the time we spent together gave me lots of opportunity to bother him with questions about our family. Some of the photographs he showed me were from the nineteenth century, and as I looked at the somber faces, I came to a sad realization. Everyone had long departed from the Earth, taking their stories and memories with them. I examined these pictures with the investigative stare used for reading history books, not the reminiscent gaze that comes with seeing old relatives. And I realized that I couldn’t look at these people as relatives because I knew nothing about them. For everything that my family had gained moving to America, I had lost any connection with my ancestors, and therefore a part of myself. My grandpa refused to let this happen. â€Å"The most important thing you have in this world is your family,† he told me, â€Å"and when I’m gone, the most important thing I can leave you is your heritage.† Over the next two years, he would commit hundreds of hours to fulfilling that goal. He made it his purpose to write down everything he could discover about our ancestors so that future generations would know. He made hundreds of long-distance phone calls, annoying indifferent relatives. Two years and 250 pages later, he still continues to write. The most gratifying part of helping my grandfather with this project is the knowledge I’ve gained during the many hours we’ve spent together. I’ve learned so much about my ancestors, and consequently, I’ve re-evaluated the importance that family has in my life. Those seemingly distant faces in the old photographs have come to life with an air of warm familiarity. Last summer, I even made the trip to Russia to meet relatives and visit the graves of my great grandparents. I’ve learned that my heritage is a part of me no matter where I live. An ocean cannot separate me from the ties I have to my family all over the world. But most importantly, this experience has given me an opportunity to spend time with the family I have right in front of me. And it doesn’t take a wise man to see the value of spending time with my atkai.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Common Core Argumentative Essay Samples

Common Core Argumentative Essay SamplesCommon Core argumentative essay samples are available to you in free format. The syllabus is written by the main administration bodies and it is based on various schools and universities that have adopted the same program for teaching young students about the vital subjects of education.So, if you wish to practice your writing skills, then you can select from one of the common core argumentative essay samples that can be downloaded from the internet. The syllabus and some sample essays can also be browsed on the web through your browser. If you have any doubts regarding the syllabus, then you can ask the teachers or the people who have taken part in the process to answer your questions.If you wish to find out if you will be allowed to make some changes in the syllabus, then you can log on to the website of the school or the college. The teachers will be able to answer your queries and there will be a long list of subject topics that you will hav e to choose from. There are a number of options for both college and high school level topics. The syllabus may include very few questions and also very many and you may not have the time to go through the entire list.Before choosing the common core argumentative essay samples for making your own essays, you should consider if it will help you in getting the right question. Many of the common core argumentative essay samples contain questions that are appropriate for the right subject and the entire question can be used for the essay.For making a good grade in the essay, you will need to find out the right question for the essay. You will be provided with information which will help you prepare an argumentative essay sample that will help you write a good essay.Writing is the best form of expressing the thoughts that one has. It helps in forming an opinion and knowing something. If you wish to learn more about the topic that you want to write, then you can try writing a essay on you r own.You can make an essay without following any specific template as there are many essay writers available online who will offer their services for writing your essay. The type of essay you will write depends on the needs of the person and you have to find out whether you will write a straight argumentative essay or you will write something else.